Facebook Photo Albums get a makeover

So many of my friends just log in to Facebook to share photographs. Sharing and commenting on them gives a sense of pleasure. Faceboook can be an online directory of your memories. That old school days photos, the new office cabin etc. I always enjoy sharing and commenting on photographs.

So many of my friends just log in to Facebook to share photographs. Sharing and commenting on them gives a sense of pleasure. Faceboook can be an online directory of your memories. That old school days photos, the new office cabin etc. I always enjoy sharing and commenting on photographs.

Recently Facebook rolled out three new improvements on the photos. Though these are not yet rolled out totally in all the Facebook accounts but I am hoping they will be made available soon.

What are the improvements ?

Higher Resolution: Now you can upload a photograph having higher resolution that is 2048 pixels on the largest edge, which is an 8 times increase from the earlier. You don’t have to stick with the old one and you can upload that recent picture you clicked from your digital camera. 🙂 This will give a freedom to all its users who earlier had to manage with 720 pixels only.


In the image above you can see how the photo resolution is increased in these years.

Improved photo viewer: Earlier we had to manually navigate through the photos, now the new improvements have made it simpler and faster to navigate through the photos. You can avoid going to a new page to view photographs now, that is the photo opens in the center of your screen and closes when you have finished viewing. The need to go to different pages or reloading has been removed. A new box that is dark coloured frame appears around your picture which makes viewing a better experience. You can see the image below for the change.


Easier tagging and uploading: Now, when we upload a new album, it asks you to enter the album name, event name, location, quality and who can see this. Earlier we were just asked to enter the name of the album and visibility. This has made the tagging also easy, you can make multiple tagging at once. It uses latest Flash technology to make it a better experience. 🙂 Image below shows the new upload feature.


I think these features are great and can give a competition to Flickr. 😉 Improvements in something that I love to use makes me a Fan of Facebook.

Did anybody try this new feature? If yes and if your Facebook profile has something like this do send the screenshots here. I am excited for this feature and would love to have a look. 🙂 Feel free to share your views through the comments below.

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