Facebook makes Registration simpler on Websites

Facebook engineer has made a new registration tool that will give website owners the ability to make social sign ups easier than before. It can be a better way than using Facebook connect.

You must have been to websites where you can register through your Facebook id and password. Well, now it is made simpler and more social.

Paul Tarjan, a Facebook engineer has made a new registration tool that will give website owners the ability to make social sign ups easier than before. It can be a better way than using Facebook connect.

This new registration tool is for:

  1. Websites that want to give an option for users without Facebook accounts.
  2. A website that needs an info more than Facebook can give.
  3. A website that works on a traditional HTML form.

According to a survey it is said that people will stay on those websites more which allow them to bring their friends with them. We all know the Facebook friendships so no need to think that it wont be successful.



How it works ?

The registration tool is an iframe that any website can use and include in their program. When user comes to such website he can see a form already filled about his information. This will only be possible if he has already logged into Facebook account. He can choose to sign up further after seeing what the site is requesting the user.

So privacy issue is I guess solved here. We want to control what we share. What do you think about this step by Facebook. Feel free to share your views through the comments below.


Mukul December 17, 2010

Don’t you think its like peeping into your profile info without your permission? Because its not necessary that we share all of our info on every site, sometimes we hide some of our info.

Himadri Dimri December 17, 2010

@Mukul Yes that is the case, but they will show the info and it depends on you if you wish to login or not. We do provide our general info to Facebook.. dont we.

Mukul December 17, 2010

Yes we do but its because we trust fb but how can we trust any other site without using it? I had given my main info to fb when I used it for few days and then learned all its security and privacy features and after it I edited my profile but without knowing about safety features of other sites I don’t think it is safe to allow any other site to peep in our personal info. Like I don’t trust ibibo.com therefore I hadn’t provided my personal info to it though it have feature to connect it with my fb account.

Himadri Dimri December 17, 2010

Yup you do have a point. Lets see, what happens. Once this feature is rolled out we can see its good as well as bad points. As of now we can only wait and watch!

Mukul December 17, 2010

Yeah…fingers crossed 🙂

Himadri Dimri December 17, 2010

Yes 🙂

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