Facebook removes Google contact import facility

Did anyone notice anything different or new this morning? Well, when I logged into my Facebook account and tried to add some of my Orkut friends, I could not do so.

Did anyone notice anything different or new this morning? Well, when I logged into my Facebook account and tried to add some of my Orkut friends, I could not do so.

Facebook has removed all the mention of Google’s Gmail service from its “Find your Friends” feature. Google was angry when Facebook allowed users to find new friends based on one’s contact listing within a Gmail account, but Facebook  didn’t allow the procedure to go in reverse. In response to which Google denied Facebook to get information from it or from the contacts.


If you try to add friends from “Other email Service “link you will get a message saying “Everyone on this contact list is already on Facebook or has already been invited”, as shown below.

I think Google and Facebook are taking all this too long. Why not accept each other as an individual and try managing both the social networks together. But as Facebook has won the battle of social networks, it’s just not ready to consider any other website as a social networking website. Lets see what happens next? Will Gmail like MySpace allow people to login with their Facebook ID’s and fully surrender or it will come up with something new against Facebook. Drop in your comments below.

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