Facebook sends a rocket to Orkut users in India

On the world stage Facebook has numbers which are so massive that one would wonder why do they bother with a pesky little social networking website like Orkut, which is really only popular in parts of South Asia and South America. One very good reason is Orkut is owned by the all powerful lord of the internet called Google and Facebook obviously will know that Google will start pushing for a bigger pie of the social networking business sooner or later.

On the world stage Facebook has numbers which are so massive that one would wonder why do they bother with a pesky little social networking website like Orkut, which is really only popular in parts of South Asia and South America.

One very good reason is Orkut is owned by the all powerful lord of the internet called Google and Facebook obviously will know that Google will start pushing for a bigger pie of the social networking business sooner or later.

Its pretty obvious that after having thumped very other social networking website on its head and outclassing them they still are very wary of Google. For Facebook, Orkut must be that small baby that will suddenly and magically transform into a giant thanks to Google deciding to stop treating Orkut like a orphan and become a caring parent.

So now that Facebook has decided to send a rocket to Orkut.

If you are in India (Orkut is much more popular in India compared to Facebook) and have a Facebook account, you will come across an advertisement the moment you sign into Facebook.


How this is an attack on Orkut?

Find your Orkut Friends on Facebook. That means no need to go to Orkut anymore.

Do you have a Orkut account?  Check if your Orkut friends are already on Facebook.

Facebook is clearly telling us move over from Orkut, Facebook is the place to be.

At the moment Orkut can do little and sit back cooling its heels. When I first started using Facebook, I joined because lot of friends only used Facebook. I still do have an Orkut account because some of them are Orkut loyalists and do not really bother with Facebook. But seriously if I had all my Orkut friends on Facebook, would I visit Orkut?

One Comment

r4i November 7, 2009

I am currently using orkut and facebook i always choose orkut as my regular usage..
Because orkut was really nice social site and this article giving me info about orkut so i really like it..

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