Firefox is crowd-sourcing support using Twitter

Firefox is crowd-sourcing support using Twitter with a new page called Army of Awesome. This will help people with Twitter accounts to answer simple questions other Twitter users might have on Firefox browser.

Twitter is often used by many internet service companies to reach out to their end users. Twitter is often used to sort out and answer simple queries. It can be a double-edged sword as if the company gets it right, it can be good publicity. If they get it wrong, the word spread around that much faster on Twitter.

Mozilla Firefox is taking it a bit forward. They are the crowd sourcing support with Twitter. This basically means they allow Firefox fans (people like you and me) to use their twitter account to help others who have issues or question on Firefox.

Joining Firefox’s Army of Awesome

  • All you have to do is visit the Firefox ‘Army of Awesome’ page. Here you will see the latest Tweets mentioning Firefox.
  • If you see a tweet you can help out with, sign in with your Twitter account and help the person out.
  • This can be used to basically respond to any Tweet. I did not see many real queries on Firefox but they seemed to be filtered in some way.

This is a novel way to actually allow Firefox geeks to help out others who might be new to the browser. Considering the way Internet Explorer is losing its market share, it might have a lot of new users with a lot of new support queries. Who better to give advice that other regular Firefox users?

I guess it is also consistent with the Open-source philosophy.

What are you views on crowd-sourcing support on Twitter? Is it a good thing or do you think it leave room for mischief by some people.

Do drop in your views through your comments.

Link: Firefox Army of Awesome

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