Are You a Geek or a Nerd – Infographic [TDIS]

If you are someone who reads a lot of books, follows technology, knows about different operating systems and enjoy watching sci-fi movies or TV series, then chances are you have either been called a ‘geek’ or a ‘nerd’.

I have always found both terms quite similar except that being called a ‘geek’ was cooler than being called a ‘nerd’. 🙂

Here is a nice infographic by Masters in IT, that tries to define the difference between a ‘Geek’ and ‘Nerd’.

It does so by some interesting differences in tastes and professions chosen by people who are called one of the two terms.


Thanks to R@xit for the tip.

So what are you? A geek or a nerd? Do drop in your comments.

About TDIS: Thank Devil Its Sunday [TDIS] are posts which are not the regular Dw fare about tutorials and updates. Posts under TDIS are usually more casual and personal.


Chinmay January 15, 2012

Very interesting indeed! If I say I like this article very very much what would I be called–a nerd or geek?

Sreejesh @techgyo January 16, 2012

And we bloggers are. Geeks or nerd?

Aditya Kane January 17, 2012

@Sreejesh: I think I find myself being a bit of a nerd :-\

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