Get more out of the Tube

Well undoubtedly Youtube is the opium of the E-age... the more you spend time on it, the addicted you get to it. Also, it's a great time pass watching videos and tutorials, but very few use this effectively...

Well undoubtedly Youtube is the opium of the E-age… the more you spend time on it, the addicted you get to it. Also, it’s a great time pass watching videos and tutorials, but very few use this effectively…

Simple Commands in Youtube

There are lot short commands that are very useful in Youtube that can be suffixed at the end of your video URL to enjoy their functionality

‘&fmt=18? for high quality videos
#t=XXmYYs for XX mins and YY seconds using this you can view video from exact time you want for example if you want to view your video from 2min 22 sec the command you should use is
‘&rel=0? – to disable related videos

Well, these are good but i personally find them very irritating and absurd as you need to do it manually every time you watch any videos.

The good news is there are scripts and addons available for it.

Greasemonkey Scripts

If you aren’t aware of what spices of monkey I am talking about better check this post and proceed ahead.


A good all-in-one script that blocks ads from the sections you want, lets you download videos into several formats, automatically expand the “More” section, see all comments at once and more.

This script does the job at once but there are few more that are useful

Video Focus

Allows you to watch videos without the distractions of chats, comments, ads and so on, while also giving you the ability to resize videos, customize the background color, center the video on the page and more.  Works with dozens of different video sites.

YouTube Cleaner

Helps you clean up the appearance of the YouTube video pages by removing the comments, related videos, promoted videos, sharing information and footer. Also allows you to restore them instantly if you should choose to do so.

Mozilla Addons

There are plenty of Firefox addons that helps to improve Youtube experience but i would mention only a few which i personally use and are useful.

Media Converter

This extension will allow you to not only download your desired videos, but it will also convert them right in the browser to the format you desire.

Video DownloadHelper

Once installed, Video DownloadHelper’s icon will animate when you come to a page that has a video you can download.  Once you start the download process, you can also choose which format you want to save the file as.

Better YouTube

Collects some of the most popular Greasemonkey scripts for YouTube that do things like give you an alternate player, a cleaner theater interface and more instead of scripts you can use this addon.

For people stuck with you visit following sites to download Video from Youtube in desired formats.

Also there are few good post on same genre on Devils Workshop also check them out:

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Alok Chaudhari. Alok blogs at Freewares n Beta on stuff related to freeware.

If you too, would like to write for Devils Workshop, please check this. Details about our revenue sharing programs are here.]


richi June 10, 2009

hey youtube is blocked in china so can anybody pls tell me proxies that allow youtube my friend are asking i tried but never found one ………

rahul June 11, 2009

i suggest you to use this blog daily proxy updated.

alok June 11, 2009

@richi well hope freegate will work for you

a little information about it


alok June 11, 2009

Forgot the greasemonkey guide link here it is

rahul June 11, 2009

you can also use “”ultrasurf”” and “”your freedom””.

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