Get ready for a Face-phone

Talks about Facebook phone keep circulating. Just as we were almost sure that Facebook is not coming up with a mobile anytime soon bloomberg quoted that Facebook Inc. is working with mobile-handset manufacturer INQ Mobile Ltd. on two smartphones that may be carried by AT&T Inc., according to three people familiar with the matter.


One phone is said to have a QWERTY keypad and a touch screen while the other falls in the all touch category. Both may be launched in Europe in early 2011 and will be launched in USA by late 2011. Now I wonder why so and when will it be coming to India ? 🙂

According to an interview of Mark Zuckerberg with Techcrunch they aim to better integrate its services with existing mobile software on devices. Mark wants to create a social layer for everything and wants to go by Breadth first search.

The thing is why is Facebook trying to have a mobile of its own? What is the scope for a new mobile when already there are so many smart phones available all over. The social network is already on devices, including earlier INQ phones. What do you think? Do share your views with me.