Get Rich Browsing Experience on Flickroom

Viewing really stunning photographs on Flickr uploaded by professional photographers does offers a sense of happiness and excitement. You will be “Blown Away” here and there as you look through your photostream filled with beautiful Fireworks displays taken during Independence Day.

However, Flickroom, an Adobe AIR app which offers almost the same features as leading photo-sharing site Flickr provides a much richer browsing experience to make your photographs look better than ever before.


It’s a desktop-based application that comes with a dark theme accompanied with several cool features such as the ability to upload multiple photographs from your desktop using a drag-and-drop interface and tweet about them directly from the application. Users can easily edit the title and description. Additionally, adding new tags and images to a group or a set is also possible.

There are a number of impressive features Flickroom offers. For example, there’s a built-in chatroom which allows you to interact and communicate with other Flickroom users who are online at that moment. As a result, this creates a real-time collaboration that even the original Flickr website doesn’t provide.

What’s more is that you’re able to search photographs of all Flickr users. You can also see  your photos in Flickr Explore. All these in one place without any much hassle.

Flickroom is indeed a unique and impressive creation that most Flickr users have long deserved. Actually, it provides basic features such as posting comments, marking favorites, adding notes, editing the title and descriptions of your photos just like other Flickr ‘clones’. However, the striking point of Flickroom is that it’s powered by Adobe AIR. As a result, its user-interface is awesome especially the drag-and-drop interface, dark background which helps to make photographs look more attractive and a more seamless and intuitive login experience.

It’s currently in beta and you can install this app at no cost.

Links: Flickroom

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Dinesh Verma, alias WorldOfQuest. Dinesh is passionate about blogging and tries to provide all what people need today- WEB2.0 through his blog Teen Tech Guru.

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