Google to host two special events for Mobile Chrome on June 7th and 13th

Just when you thought the month of June is filled with a lot of product launches, here's a new one. Google plans to host two 'special' events for Mobile Chrome this month - on June 7th and 13th.

Just when you thought the month of June is filled with a lot of product launches, here’s a new (and unexpected) one. Google plans to host two ‘special’ events for Mobile Chrome this month – on June 7th and 13th.

Both of the events will be streamed live on YouTube.

Google Developers live

So, what is Google even planning to release? That too, two weeks after Google I/O? Honestly, I have no idea. Google Developers Live is a show done by people from Google’s developer relations team about many products like Android, Maps, Google+ and more. They’re generally streamed via YouTube through their official channel.

But the fact that this event is called ‘special’, made it interesting to me. Also, they don’t generally host events just for Chrome or the mobile versions of it.

They will probably talk about their future ideas with Blink or if we’re lucky, may be some new features in Mobile Chrome. Wait and see.

On the video page, you can ask questions related to Chrome and those will be answered by developers at Google. There are some interesting ones like “Will Blink reduce the memory usage of the browser?” – which I really want to happen.

Nevertheless, if you’re a web designer/developer, you should definitely keep an eye on this.

Link: Mobile Chrome special event – June 7th | June 13th

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