Google introduces floating Compose window in Gmail

When composing a new E-mail, or replying to one, there will be times when you want to refer to previous E-mails and you’ll find yourself switching between previous E-mails and the one you’re writing.

Google has today rolled out an update for Gmail users, which aims to solve this. Enter the floating Compose window.


When I logged into my Gmail account today, I got an invitation to try out the new way of composing E-mails. Look out for that.

The new Compose window is more like a condensed/stripped version of the original. It looks very similar to Google Talk (or Tasks for that matter) in minimized mode.

The biggest advantage is of course the ability to browse your Gmail while still composing the E-mail.

The reply feature too is streamlined and looks pretty similar to the Compose feature.

If you’ve tried out the feature and didn’t like it, you can always switch back to previous version of Compose and reply features. To do that, hit the triangle icon beside the trash can icon in Compose window – and hit ‘Switch back to Old compose’. Users can now also set Old Compose layout as the default one.

Personally, I think the update is pretty cool, as I myself have never used all those features in old Compose/reply’s editing mode.

Do you like Gmail being simplified more and more? Tell us what you think.

One Comment

Pratap Nikam October 31, 2012

Very Cool Feature Given by Gmail.
Really Liked It.

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