Google search allows customized location based results

Google search allows customized location based results with new very prominent requests for location based results to be used for customized search.

Google does have a great knack for making their search features better by the day. There have been quite a few improvements or new features like Google Instant. But most times a great product is not about radical features but simple ones which become great because of its functionality.

This morning I checked on Google of some movies I wanted to catch at a cinema hall. Earlier the results showed up location-based which was usually taken from the IP address. This was fine but suddenly it a pop-up in the left side of the browser asked for me to confirm my location with a postal code.

While Bing is tying up with Facebook to create social search, Google is doing something different to make search results more local and customized.

Mostly innovations and features like these really gain the confidence of people. It gives me the chance to customize my search rather having customized preset search features.

This new features should help out a lot more with Google Maps as being used as the first choice of listing when it comes to finding places and reviews of those places. Also location-based feature will be very useful to be used on mobile phones. Something a lot of people do not take seriously.

What do you think about the new Location based search features from Google? Do drop in your comments.


Rahul @ MazaKaro October 21, 2010

aa yeahh , i read that once and it really shows how google is working for people and making good services ( no forgetting benefits they are seeking hah), that helps all the time !thank You

Aditya Kane October 21, 2010

No one has problems with them benefiting from a great service as its a company after all. But I like the way they look services as a function more than as a brand or money spinner.

FAQ Support Rep October 22, 2010

This is really helpful especially if we search for information locally or somewhere nearby our areas, for instance if we look for things for sale around our location. It will be much easier. I haven’t had the chance though to see this, as I am searching for a ram for my laptop.

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