Google’s 10-point philosophy

Do you think Google is just another corporate with billion dollar revenues and a too big company in the market? Have you ever thought if Google can too have philosophical values to follow and guide their future actions?

Do you think Google is just another corporate with billion dollar revenues and a too big company in the market? Have you ever thought if Google too can have philosophical values to follow and guide their future actions? If not, then you must read the following below, 10 statements from the Google’s book of philosophy in my words.

  1. Just concentrate on building user-oriented services and no need to worry about the rest.
  2. Focus highly on one thing for effective implementation.
  3. It’s good to be fast, don’t make slow.
  4. Web means share & care with democracy to all.
  5. Just don’t limit information to a PC.
  6. Don’t lose ethics while making too much money.
  7. Display as much information as possible through the web.
  8. There should be no boundaries of culture, society or language while accessing information.
  9. It is not necessary to be formal to build a big company; be normal, not formal.
  10. Don’t just stop if you find it is great, keep working till it is greater.

I believe these words mean a lot in today’s corporate culture where companies feel their revenues would grow only if they are ‘serious’. A small and short message to all such companies, find some fun, ‘Google it’ 😛

LINK: Google’s Philosophy

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