Hacking: Blogger in Beta Profile Views

This is for all blogger in beta users!
You can increase your blogger profile-views with javascript!
Of course this was not possible for old blogger users!
As it has been said, correction of an error, may introduce new errors! It seems blogger is bugged this time!

So when you view a blogger in beta user profile (it does not need to be yours), u can just hit your browsers refresh button and the profile view get increased as profile gets reloaded!

Here come javascript to automate this!

javascript: function rb286(){document.location.reload();}; void(setInterval(rb286, 1000));


  1. Open the profile first!
  2. Just copy-n-paste above javascript in maroon color in your browsers address bar!
  3. This will start refreshing the page! It can be used with any page!

U can change value in blue which is time-interval as per your connection speed!

U can also install greasemonkey script by Vijay Bhaskar for this!

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