How to send anonyomous email to your friends?

Do you want to send messages for your friends without letting your friends know your Email ID then Zanomo is the correct place for you. Zanomo lets you write your email to send it to your friend and you have to send the message by clicking on send message and helps you to send a secret message. This site however requires registration but does not require email verification.

Step by step instructions

  • Sign Up with Click on Start.
  • After signing up click on Continue which is on the Send a secret message tab.
  • Give the details asked and click on Send.

You are done with the whole process.

Things to note while you are using Zanomo

  • Do not spam someones email address, its not good manners and illegal to do so.
  • You can send messages to your friends as what was wrong with them and what they had to improve on, something like that.

If you liked this you might like to read up on how to send self destructing emails. Do let us know your views and opinions through your comments.

Credits: iguanabio

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