Ignore All Future Event/Application Invites From a Friend on Facebook

Facebook is an interesting social-networking website but what makes it annoying is the useless notifications you get everyday about games and applications and some event requests. Earlier we told you a way of blocking a particular application so that you won’t get any request related to that application from any of your friends. But what if you still want to receive requests but not from a particular friend, well here’s the solution for you.

Blocking requests from a particular friend for an application:

For this go to your Apps and Games page from the sidebar of your Facebook homepage. Alternatively you can click the link below.


After that reject any request from a friend by clicking ‘Cross’ sign given with the accept button. Now to reject all the future requests from that friend click on “Ignore all requests from friends name?” on the same page as shown below.



Blocking requests from a particular friend for an event:

If you are getting so many event invitations than it’s a good idea to block those invites rather than removing that person from your friends list. To ignore all event invites go to your events page. Now first of all decline an event request and then click on the button given with the text ‘You Declined’. See the pic below.















After that click confirm to stop receiving future invites from that particular friend. That’s it, now you will stop getting useless invites and notifications.


June A May 16, 2012

Unfortunately, this (along with Facebook’s instructions on Blocking a specific person from sending Invites) does not work. I have confirmed on my privacy settings that “John Smith Doe” has been blocked from sending any future invites. Yet, lo and behold, I still receive annoying invitations from “John Smith Doe” … Nothing seems to work. Does Facebook have an actual technical support department to alert of this issue?

Hemant October 18, 2012

I wanted to ask an off topic question. Can you please tell the plugin or the trick you use to load the sharing buttons?

Aditya Kane October 18, 2012

Hi Hemant, we use a in-house plugin called rtSocial. You can check more details about it this link.

BTW, you can always ask off topic question on our support Forums. 🙂

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