Internet Explorer 9 awaiting launch on March 14!

That’s correct, another party after the one at San Francisco on the eve of IE9 Release candidate launch. And this time it will be at SXSW in Austin, Texas. The IE9 Beta which received over 25 million downloads...

That’s correct, another party after the one at San Francisco on the eve of IE9 Release candidate launch. And this time it will be at SXSW in Austin, Texas. The IE9 Beta which received over 25 million downloads and IE9 RC which has already received over 2 million downloads, is just the beginning.

The Launch Party

Internet Explorer 9 (or IE9) is finally going to be launched on March 14, 2011 alongwith bloggers and press celebrating the launch with Free Drinks and Live music from Fences, Yeasayer and the Head and the Heart. This party is a celebration for those developers who have worked relentlessly on the IE9 project, making it a reality.

You can read the blog post written by Ryan Gavin (a Microsoft Senior Director) and apply for the event registration. Do post your comments whether you think IE9 is anytime better than the present Google Chrome or Firefox!


Abhishek Biswal February 23, 2011

No, Never! IE9 can’t beat the Ultimate Chrome. Man, don’t understand why are they celebrating it?

Ankit Das February 23, 2011

Ofcourse you do celebrate birthday of everyone irrespective of whether it deserves that or not!! 😛

Outspoken February 23, 2011

Hope Firefox 4 releases before this!
Or else this year there will be a blood bath in the Browser space.
I will love you Firefox, till other browsers come up with good enough addons only.

Christian February 25, 2011

What??? Another release of IE garbage? IE is the most insecure and unstable browser ever.
Thanks to god we have firefox, chrome, opera and safari. A lot of choices and savors to test. Please DONT use IE. Let Microsoft discontinuing this garbage like Encarta, another useless Microsoft`s product

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