Can’t Kill Facebook, Now Google Plus Targets Twitter!

I think there are probably millions of people with a Google+ account, but its main problem seems it is too similar to Facebook or it has nothing unique. Facebook has marched ahead with new changes along with the Timeline feature.

Everyone thought that Google created Google Plus for challenging Facebook, if not to actually kill it. 😛

The latest two new features launched on Google Plus, are clearly going to challenge Twitter more than Facebook. Google Plus now supports hashtags inside posts. Another feature is real-time updates of search results.

Google’s Vic Gundotra, announced the new feature on his Google+ account.

He also shared the video that is included below.

Twitter needs to watch out!

Google is the king of search and its real-time search for Google+ posts and hashtags will challenge Twitter’s niche of tackling trends, news and current events. Both these features are directly borrowed from Twitter.

But Google+ has a lot more layers than Twitter, as in it has no character limit and we can video chat or share photo albums.

Will these two new features see more interaction on Google+? That is still the big question which only time will answer.

What are your views on Google+ introducing two features identical to what Twitter has? Do drop in your comments.


Panneer October 14, 2011

oh twitter is a backlink giant. So, twitter is the best….

Techno October 16, 2011

Google plus is turning out to be a facebook-twitter hybrid, I still don’t use google plus much because I’m happy with my facebook circle. Google’s ultimate move would be to compel webmasters and blog authors to use google plus by offering better SERP to those who use google plus frequently. They are probably already doing this.

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