Microsoft’s new search engine ‘Bing’ coming soon with a Bang!

In the past several months, Microsoft has been trying to revamp its search engine to counter the dominance of Google. Microsoft’s underground “secret-testing” of the new search engine, code-named “Kumo” will be introduced in the market re-named as BING!

The service will be available at Microsoft is calling its new product a “decision engine,” promising to make things like buying a digital camera, booking a flight or searching for a restaurant easier by serving up results based on similar previous searches.

Marketing budget to promote Bing

Microsoft is planning to spend $80 million to $100 million on ad campaigning to promote Bing!

Gulp!!! Now, that’s a lot of money. Let’s wait to see how much buzz it will really create.

Latest Stats

  • Last month Google took 64.2 % of US Internet searches
  • Yahoo took 20.4 % of searches
  • Microsoft took 8.2 % of searches

Some new Bing features

The competition is really tough for Microsoft, especially with both Google and Yahoo recently introducing new features in their search engines to attract users.

  • Microsoft is calling its new product a “decision engine.” For example: A search on a make of car will give you clickable categories (on the left-hand sidebar) like
    • problems
    • reviews
    • dealers
  • These are the most likely places a Web user will want to go from the initial search.
  • You will be able to use the popular Farecast service in its flight booking section which predicts whether fares will rise or fall.
  • You could also get directions to locations with only one mouse click, and hover over a search results to see more information, without having to open a new link.

Microsoft hopes to universally verbify the new name Bing, like Google, which has now become the generic verb for searching the Internet for information. “I was googling all night and came up with this report.”

Determined to make it big this time, Microsoft is all set to introduce Bing with a bang to the public next Wednesday. I really can’t wait to see what lies beneath their secret covers.


satish May 30, 2009

hey very informative article..will surely wait fir it..

prateek May 30, 2009

hey nice article keep up good work swati

prateek May 30, 2009

well have u heard of cuil search.. check this link..

rahul May 30, 2009

good competition… and microsoft will challenge google..

ajayjain789 May 30, 2009

Isn’t this a rip off the following (or similar) PC World articles?


Ad budget:



In the end, the writer writes: “I really can’t wait to see what lies beneath their secret covers.” Wow! And I can’t wait to see which other original articles the writer is going to take apart and then sew those pieces into another piece of junk!

Where is the original research? Do people no longer produce something innovative?

Why waste time to change words – and disk-space to store them? just give a direct link to the readers! It’ll be quicker and more convenient.

The original writers really have some knowledge and expertize in their fields; they write what suits them, and do research before posting anything. That’s what makes them world famous. Then there are copycats so desperate to earn money…

Swati May 30, 2009

@ ajayjain789,

Appreciate the efforts you made to check its validity. However, before writing a comment like this, you should have done more research.

I hope we all understand the difference between research articles and news articles. This article is NOT research… but NEWS – and that too public domain news.

I suggest you check out some official documents from Microsoft on Bing.
Press release(info for journalists):

Like we all know, a big news like this tends to get covered by various blogs and websites world over to spread the word and inform readers through different channels… Just like how we, at DW are trying to keep our readers updated. Similarly, PCworld is no exception and they have all the rights to cover this news as well.

So, this brings us back to your question – “Isn’t this a rip off the following (or similar) PC World articles?”
The answer is NO. This news info has been pieced from Microsoft’s official Press Release (the link of which is provided in the post) which is meant to be distributed via different channels of communication!

venkat May 30, 2009

Why wolfram alpha and Microsoft saying their search engines are not search engines wollfram alpha as computational knowledge engine,Microsoft’s Bing as Decision making engine they are all dropped their hands as they do not compete with Google .It’s the fact that Google is the king.they are trying different ways to get attention to their search engines.

Hash May 30, 2009


Nice compilation; I’ve seen the Beta and I can tell you it’s got some very slick features. I’m quite impressed with the decision making prowess. This is Microsoft’s gift to the novice and smart users alike.

With that said, I’m little skeptical of it taking on Google directly. Google’s now synonymous with internet search and it’ll take a lot of effort & time for MSFT to play catch. Hence all the big bucks!

However, I recommend everyone to try it. It’s really nice!!!


Hash May 30, 2009


PCWorld is a nice magazine/portal. I personally like it & have been a follower since good old paper magazine & free CD days.However in this case it too has compiled a lot of snippets including the MSFT press release.

I think your outburst towards the writer is completely uncalled for. And, unless it were a momentary lapse, I wonder you to be one amongst the fault finding frustrated lots. The time you spent compiling URLS & keying in your mannerless verbiage or should I call it garbage, you could’ve done some productive search around the beautiful Bing and posted for everyone’s benefit & liking.

I’m not game for a war of words. Only trying a little redirection that’ll benefit all of DW.
In the end, Ravana is as famous as Lord Rama. Even though this is the DevilsWorkshop, the choice, to be is yours. I hope you atleast understand the difference between a metaphor and literal, unlike “News Articles” and “Research”… just kidding this time 😉 Peace!


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