Movie Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes get Facebook touch

Do you also surf several sites for movie reviews but at the end do not forget to ask your friend's review?

Do you also surf several sites for movie reviews but at the end do not forget to ask your friend’s review? No matter what we do last word is of our friend’s. 🙂 While this morning I was going through Rotten tomatoes a famous movie review site, I had a totally different experience.

It was all personalised for me. 🙂 Rotten Tomatoes has integrated Facebook’s Instant Personalization so that you can get movie recommendations from your friends.

Now Rotten tomatoes show you the movie reviews according to your friends ‘Likes

It shows an option saying how many friends like a particular movie

It also tells you which of your friends want to watch a particular movie(so that if you are also inetersted in watching the same movie why not go together 😉 ) and which movies they like.

All in all it is a great way of having your friends reviews on the movies. What do you think? Feel free to share your views with me from your comments.

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