Narendra Modi on Google+ Hangout: Indian Politics Just Got More Social

Google+ might not be getting a lot of buzz but its Hangout feature is being increasingly adopted. So it is not very surprising, that Gujarat’s Chief Minister, Narendra Modi will be on a Google+ Hangout session which will be available  on YouTube Live.

Google+ Hangouts is not new to politicians using it for interactive sessions. One of the most famous examples has been of the US President Barack Obama, answering questions from people on a live Hangout session.

Narendra Modi on Google+ Hangout

A Hangout session will be held and shown live on Youtube with some participants, who will ask him questions on various topics.

The questions have to be submitted in the comments section on this post. The best questions will be selected and the winners will be able to ask the politician their questions themselves. Last date to submit questions is 27th August midnight.

The live Hangout session will take place on 31st August 2012, 20.00 hrs IST. You can view the Google+ event page for the Hangout session here.

Politicians love/hate relationship with social media

Social media has been lately, gathering a lot of adoption from politicians around the world. Most world leaders do have some sort of presence on some social media website or the other.

Even some Indian politicians have been active on social networks, especially Twitter. But not all politicians are fond of social media, especially whenever there is a lot of criticism of politicians or their policies.

Link: Narendra Modi on Google+ Hangouts

One Comment

Bharat August 21, 2012

I’m an admirer of Narendra Modi, so whatever he do I’ll support him 😉

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