Get Notified on Your Desktop When Google Docs are Updated

Since over a year I hardly use anything but Google Docs. Also at my work-place, we all use Google Docs, and that means I do end up having a lot of documents to keep track. This is not easy as most documents are collaborative efforts and you can lose track of newer updates carried out by others.

One issue is how to keep track of all the Docs which are shared with my colleagues. Google Docs Notifier is a desktop tool which sends you notifications every time a document is updated.

Google Docs Notifier Features

  • This is a free software which works with Windows XP, Windows Vista and the latest Windows 7.
  • Just log in with your Google credentials into the program and it keeps tracks of the Google Docs being updated.
  • When a document is updated it gives you a desktop notification along with info on the person who made those changes.
  • The Notifier also shows all unread or unviewed documents.


In case you are not using Discussion on Google Docs then I would recommend using Google Docs Notifier. It seems to be quite useful. Do drop in your comments.

Link: Google Docs Notifier

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