Now Easily Search Your Friends On Orkut!

Actually this is not technically a new feature Orkut has introduced, but this recent small change will make an old feature more usable for sure.

As you can see below, there is a new search box on your Orkut Homepage now called search friends in addition to old search orkut…

Orkut new search feature

Now lets do a quick analysis of these two search boxes:

Search Orkut

This is good for searching entire orkut. Results are gathered from all orkut profiles, communities and also topics posted in communities.

It support AJAX interface or in simple words, suggest results as you start typing. Suggested results are restricted to friends, so this can be used to search friends as well!

Below are 2 sample searches I made. You can see how easy to find your friend using old box too, if you are searching by their name.

Search Friends

You might be wondering why do you need this as we just used old search-box to search our friends nicely. Well if you are impressed with AJAX-based-suggest feature then its available with this new search box too!

But as I highlighted above, old search orkut box can be used only if you are searching your friends by their name. It doesn’t work if you want to use different search criteria.

Consider this… You are free this weekend and like to go for a new date. So why not search some good options in your city, right in your Orkut friend list!  😉

If you get 189 results like me you can narrow it by using additional keywords! Check now…

<p></p>    <p><a href=""><img style="border-right: 0px;border-top: 0px;margin-left: 0px;border-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;border-bottom: 0px" height="354" alt="image" src="" width="254" align="right" border="0" /></a> One things I have noticed with this <strong>“Search Friend”</strong> feature is that results are slightly older. Some people I have removed from my friend-list 3-4 days back are still appearing while some recently added friends are missing. </p>    <p>Another thing I didn’t like is placement of two search boxes. They are too close to each other, disturbing aesthetics of homepage where you spend most of your time. Also the width of search friend box is more than needed. I found two ways where search friends box will look better which I have highlighted in mock screenshot at the right.</p>    <p>Finally, search friends feature is important for orkut users who have large number of friends. I myself have more than 650+ friends. I just can’t imagine browsing through all of them manually!</p>    <p>So this is our complete analysis of new search friends box. Actually this feature was there, without AJAX-based-suggest, from long time on <a href="">friend-list page</a>, reachable by clicking <strong>“view-all”</strong> link. <em>(not highlighted, but can be seen at bottom in screenshot at the right)</em></p>    <p><strong>Related: </strong><a href="">Orkut Apps and Features you can use this holiday season</a></p>


Deepak December 20, 2008

Hard to find any boys’ profile in all the images above.. 😉

Rahul Bansal December 20, 2008

Well my idea of celebrating weekend is little orthodox… 😀

muhammad kashif January 6, 2010

Actually this is not technically a new feature Orkut has introduced, but this recent small change will make an old feature more usable for sure.

As you can see below, there is a new search box on your Orkut Homepage now called search friends in addition to old search orkut…

Amitava June 24, 2010

U r genious.

Rahul May 13, 2011

Actually this is not technically a new feature Orkut has introduced, but this recent small change will make an old feature more usable for sure.

As you can see below, there is a new search box on your Orkut Homepage now called search friends in addition to old search orkut…

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