[Online Tool] Chat Anonymously on Any Webpage with Chattp

Since I started blogging, I have been forced to think about online privacy. One reason is that bloggers or for that matter anyone who works online, ends up in contact with a lot of people who they do not really know as people. Mostly we can work around this problem, but sometimes there needs to be a discussion, lets say about a blog’s design.

Chattp is a nice online tool which adds a chat column to any webpage, hence two or more people can discuss the content or design of the page in real-time. 😉

Features of Chattp

  • Just visit the Chattp website and type in the URL of the page you want to discuss with someone.
  • A short URL is created, which can be shared with others who you want to take part in the discussion.
  • Anyone with whom, you have shared the link, will then be able to take part in the conversation in the left-hand column as a Guest.
  • Best part is requires no registration and is completely free.

This sort of collaborative tool would be ideal for people who work online and discuss projects on websites. Do try out Chattp and drop in your comments.

Link: Chattp

Related: Shared Spaces: Collaborate with your Google friends


Gokul July 23, 2011

@Adi: I don’t think *any* website is the right word. I just wanted to chat with a person while browsing flipkart.com. It pops up for 2 secs and pufffff it goes 🙁

Although, I tried another site it worked! I am not sure I am the only one who faces this. Please check and let me know.

Aditya Kane July 23, 2011

@Gokul: Thanks for commenting, I guess it does have some bugs as the product is still in Alpha – I had issues with some sites with Chrome but the issue disappear when I used Firefox.

Digital Imagination July 24, 2011

Nice site, but i still think security of our chat session would be a major problem if we use it…

Gokul July 24, 2011

Ah! I forgot about all other browser’s when I started using Chrome 😛 Let me go dig in search for firefox then! Thanx for ur tip 🙂

Gokul July 24, 2011

@Adi: I tried with Mozilla as well. It does not work on flipkart.com website. 🙁

Aditya Kane July 25, 2011

Well I guess it is a product issue, I had the same issue too. 🙁 Hopefully it will be fixed by Chattp soon.

Gokul July 26, 2011

Yeah I hope they are aware of this in the first place 😀

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