Personal Details of 100 mn Facebook users leaked online

Once again the facebook is in news for leaked details of it’s users. But this time it’s in a very large scale when the information of 100 million facebook profiles is available to download on net. This information was leaked by Ron Bowles, who’s an online security consultant. He used a code to search all the facebook profiles which are not private i.e you can read and access the basic info. He then compiled the list of all searchable profiles in a single file having the info like name and username of the profile.The list of profile is available for download on a popular file sharing website ‘Pirate Bay’ where more than thousands of people have already downloaded it.

On this Facebook said, “No private data is available or has been compromised. The information of such profiles (having lesser private content) is still public and can be access by search engines like google, bing or yahoo.” Obviously the Facebook is right in this case but they got a warning about the privacy of it’s users for future.

“Facebook should have anticipated this attack and put measures in place to prevent it,” Simon Davies, an official of Privacy International, said.

“It is inconceivable that a firm with hundreds of engineers couldn’t have imagined a trawl of this magnitude and there’s an argument to be heard that Facebook have acted with negligence, he said.



autoglobalngr July 31, 2010

this will not really go down well with facebook as if people private and confidential information s no more secure , this will really reduce thier traffic and income from the second position after google

Sauravjit July 31, 2010

Well this is not the first time when the privacy issues of facebook is in news, but still people are addicted to it 😉

Mobmani Groups August 3, 2010

Hey that was a bad incident where can i download that file

Sauravjit August 4, 2010

Sorry we can’t tell you that…. 😛

Mobmani Groups August 4, 2010

But why can’t you tell that ?

Sauravjit August 4, 2010

Cuz we are not here to leak the private info of Facebook users.

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