Search Engine to get Pin Code of Addresses in India

Finding address is a very easy task thanks to the several mapping websites. Even in India, to get addresses and directions to a particular place is usually very easy. But, what stumps me most times, is that I usually do not know the pin code of a particular place.

For example, I often take down the correct address to send a courier to my relatives but forget to ask for the pin code.

Get Pincode Info is a nice search service which displays the pin code of a place you enter.

As you can see in the image above, I typed in the address or locality and city. This was enough for it to search for the pin code and display it. It also shows some related links from the web about that address or locality the user has entered.

The best part is we can edit the pin code with an enter an HTML link as reference.

Next time you are stuck for a pin code of a place, use Get Pincode India for a quick remedy.

Do drop in your comments.

Link: Get Pincode India

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