Search for images on Twitter with Hashalbum

We all have our own sources for those unique photos. We don't want the same old Google Image Search image results because we beg to differ. For those looking for a new source of images, Hashalbum would make you tick. This is a photo search tool which looks for relevant images within Twitter.

We all have our own sources for those unique photos. We don’t want the same old Google Image Search image results because we beg to differ. For those looking for a new source of images, Hashalbum would make you tick. This is a photo search tool which looks for relevant images within Twitter.

Mostly we assign the hash symbol (#) to a word on Twitter to actually reach out beyond the scope of just our followers. So obviously someone adding a hash is looking to share images with the world.

It’s quite simple in terms of functionality. When a Twitter user uploads an album on third-party sites such as Twitpic, yfrog, etc – and tweets it with the standard name format using a hashtag (#) – lets say ‘Check out pics of my cute #doberman’, Hashalbum will popup these photographs the next time someone looks for pictures of ‘dobermans’ at Hashalbum search panel (my dog is a doberman, therefore the special mention). 😛

The application was created by a team of four from a company named Londonberry. I think it is a very useful tool permitting users to search for specific images on Twitter. It replaces the need of going to other sites for image search if one is already comfortable with Twitter.

I quite like the idea behind Hashalbum which makes image search on Twitter easy and quick.

Link: Hashalbum

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