Send encrypted messages with Norbt

Norbt is a web tool great for protecting text on the web. It basically encrypts and allows you to store text online which cannot be accessed by web crawlers. That is where the web-tool gets its name Norbt which stands for No Robot. 🙂

Norbt is a perfect tool for any one to give out email address on the web without worrying about crawlers picking it up and sending you spam. Norbt has in a way has mixed encryption with the concepts of reCaptcha.

Why use Norbt?

  • This is ideal if you do not want to send certain text over email or allow everyone to read it on a website. Just encrypt it with a question. The answer makes the text appear. 😉
  • If you want people to reach you on email but avoid web crawlers to copy your email id and hit you with spam. Just make the email address appear to people who can type the correct answer.
  • Playing riddles is also a lot of fun with Norbt. Make friends solve a riddle and if they get it right, desired text appears.

How to use Norbt?

Just visit the Norbt website and start creating norbts. This will give you a URL on which the question and text is stored on. Answer the question correctly and the text is shown.


You can access the norbt show in above image at

Another thing about creating norbts is that it does not require anyone to register to their website. What do you think about Norbt? Do you think this could be a fun but useful way to encrypt text online? Let me know through your comments.

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