Shah Rukh Khan is First Verified Indian Celeb on Google+

Google+ has landed a scoop its first Indian celebrity in its user list. And the celebrity none other than one of the most popular actors in India, Shah Rukh Khan.

Yup, Shah Rukh Khan is on Google+.  A casual glance at the profile updates, I think they are quite personal and not shared by some social media manager. Also followers cannot see how many people are in his Google+ circles or how many have added him either.

Having celebrities use your products helps!

One of the biggest draws of social media sites like Twitter was it allowed people to follow their favorite celebrities be it sports stars, actors, musicians, journalists or even industrialists.

Most Indian celebrities or for that matter most celebrities around the world end up having a Twitter account. This allows them a space to connect with fans. Google+ which has a similar option to follow profiles and their public updates might also attract celebrities adopting it. This is quite helpful for the social network too.

For example, Shah Rukh Khan fans are probably going to spend a lot more time on Google+ now than before. But I doubt how far or seriously a social network would be taken if its main growth is celebrity driven.

What are your views? Do drop in your comments.

Link: Shah Rukh Khan’s Google+ Profile

Credit: Google Blog

One Comment

Nikhil October 4, 2011

It may be because Shah Rukh Khan is shooting for Google gadgets, for promoting his upcoming flick RA.One

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