How Does SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) Work! – Infographic

In recent times there has been a lot of buzz online about a Anti-Piracy Bill in the United States. Many internet companies like Mozilla, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yahoo and more have stated their opposition to SOPA.

An organization backed by Mozilla, Creative Commons and Wikimedia has created this infographic below that shows the effect the bill could have on internet companies.

Considering a majority of the internet companies are in the US; this could have a global impact. Somewhere down the line, it seems legislation has to catch up with technology as older rules on copyright and publishing cannot be applied on internet communities where a lot of the content is user-generated.

Do drop in your views.

Related: Indian Government flip-flops on Internet Censorship!


aatif December 26, 2011

this is really nice infographic and made very well . SOPA must be sopped else will get huge cut in the traffic . Thank for sharing this nice infgraphic

Google Android fanboy January 14, 2012

But what effect will it have on india..can you please explain??

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