Study: Relation between Eating disorders and Facebook

According to a recent study, teenage girls that use Facebook a lot develop eating disorders like anorexia or bullemia. This is something real bad and should be avoided.

According to a recent study, teenage girls that use Facebook a lot develop eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. This is something real bad and should be avoided.

Many girls are affected by their online reputation. They tend to be more aware of how do they look etc. Prof. Yael Letzer, Prof. Ruth Katz and Zohar Spivak of the Social Welfare and Health Sciences Faculty studied the factors involved in eating disorders in adolescent girls aged 12-18 .

The girls were asked questions on their habits and they replied normally. The Haifa researchers found that there was a direct connection between the extent of their Facebook involvement and a greater number of eating problems.

More and more teenagers are having their Facebook accounts, hence getting pressurized by such things. With increasing number of likes on any photo or comments, the pressure to look good is also increasing. Everyone wants to have loads of comments and likes. I have seen people taking photographs exclusively to be put on Facebook. I don’t say maximum number of people are sick but a majority is turning into a Facebook maniac.

I suggest you to take a break from Facebook. Why not go for a detox Facebook week ? 🙂 What are your views ? Share them with me here.


Ankit Das February 9, 2011

You are talking about eating disorders, I have seen people turning into Zombies just because of Facebook today, earlier Orkut! What a waste of time really!!

Himadri Dimri February 9, 2011

I agree ankit

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