Superman’s Social network Nightmare-Facebook!

Yes, did you imagine what all Facebook can do? The real Facebook threat?

Yes, did you imagine what Facebook can do? Have a look at the image below. 🙂


As we all know Clark Kent was the real name behind Superman. In the image above we can see what superman is afraid of. His profile was named with his real name, and he too had a Facebook account. Guess what he got busted. 🙂

People got to know his real name and hence the postings and fake photos and everything. Hah! It may seem funny, but if we see it in today’s world, this is real. People are having fake profiles, being hacked on Facebook, serious bad messages and all are very common these days. When someone who is quite famous makes a profile, he is afraid of being stalked by many.

What do you think people should do? Do share your thoughts with me. 🙂

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