Teacher Nearly Kills a Boy [Facebook Spam]

In recent some incidents Facebook is highly targeted by spammers like sexiest video ever spam in recent days. These days another spam message saying

“Teacher nearly kills a 13 year old boy” or “See the Shocking video, Teacher nearly kills a boy” Spam is spreading like viral.  When ever some one click on the video link to see the video, he is redirected to application which ask for permission to allow access to your public information and update your wall.

Number of such spam applications are rising every day and specially for non-techy users it’s getting hard to differentiate between real and such scam videos. As stated by mashable

We echo Sophos’s thoughts in hoping that Facebook shuts down this app immediately and works on tightening some of the security policies that let this sort of thing through to begin with.

I agree with this thought and Facebook security is becoming a big issue, specially when Facebook subscribers are growing with great number, its high time Facebook should work more on security of Facebook users than Facebook privacy issue.


suraj June 15, 2010

I also got one msg that they are checking all members are active or not, to see this send this msg to 15 ppl, is it spam or its new way to recognize the active members of facebook.

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