Ten Ways to Update Your Twitter Profile

Nowadays, your personal computer is not everything and this thing has actually proven by twitter.com. With dozens of sites, software applications or just add-ons to your existing software, you can update twitter anytime and anywhere you want. Check out some of the most popular ways of updating your twitter account.

  1. Twitterdeck-One of the most popular methods of updating your account.Basically a desktop software that is compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux or even with your iphone.
  2. Twitpic-A site which is mostly used to upload photos on twitter. Every update and comment gets directly to your twitter account too.
  3. Web-Simple updates from twitter.com using your laptop or a desktop.
  4. Twitterfeed-Automatically generated updates from your blog or website to twitter.This can be used to notify people about the latest posts of your blog.
  5. Tweet-r-This can be better described as twitter with file sharing system and a video chatting (via webcam) too.
  6. bit.ly-This is a well known URL shortening site which can post your links directly to twitter too with a single click.
  7. Twitterberry-Updating twitter from your blackberry phones are under this category. This is mostly used by celebs in my profile.
  8. Twitterfon-Twitter client for your iphone or ipod touch.
  9. Twhirl-This is again a desktop client compatible with Windows and Mac. This connects twitter as well as friendfeed.There is also a choice of other accounts which can be updated simultaneously with twitter.
  10. Twitterfox-One of the best firefox addon that gives you notifications from twitter by an icon at the bottom bar of firefox window. Compatible with Firefox 3 or higher.

I find these ten ways most popular in my profile but there are many other methods to do so.If you have any good one kindly share that with us via comments.

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