Twitter will Kill TweetDeck in the Future!

Twitter has finally announced that it has bought TweetDeck. The worst kept secret was confirmed by Twitter, through a blog post. TweetDeck has been sold off for about $40 million.

Twitter some time in the future will kill off TweetDeck. It did not buy TweetDeck to create more apps or better ones. It bought TweetDeck, so UberMedia could not. The move was defensive and meant to make sure that UberMedia would not be able to control a large part of Twitter.

TweetDeck addicts might find solace that their favourite 3rd party desktop app for Twitter is no longer third-party and might also end up becoming the official Twitter client for the PCs.

TweetDeck brings no real value for Twitter!

  • TweetDeck is a great app for the desktop.Even its Chrome browser app is great. I use it everyday to manage my Twitter account.
  • TweetDeck also has a nifty apps for iPhone, iPads, Android Phones and Mac desktops.
  • Twitter itself has official apps for mobile phones and Apple Macs.

So the real question is why will Twitter keep funding two different types of apps for the same platform? Chances are that over the year or two (if TweetDeck fans are lucky), Twitter will kill off the various TweetDeck applications or integrate them. It might keep the Desktop version for PCs as an official client.

Hopefully, Twitter finds a way to keep TweetDeck alive and thriving but logic tells me that this will be beginning of the end for TweetDeck.

Do you use TweetDeck and what are your views on it being bought by Twitter? Do drop in your comments.

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