Use Google translate to get correct pronunciations

Use Google translate to get correct pronunciations with Google Translate webpage which not only translates words into different languages but also allows you to listen to the correct pronunciation.

Google Translation tools are probably the best ones around on the internet. I often use the Google translate tools to view websites in foreign languages. This is not always as the content translation is not always completely accurate. I have a passing interest in learning German and tried to look up ways to learn translated text. Google with its translation tools was obviously a favorite.

But if you visit Google Translate landing page you can also hear the correct pronunciation of the text which is translated.

About Google Translate

Google recently announced that they are adding a lot more languages to this voice translation which were not used. Hindi, French, German, Madarin, Macedonian and many other languages are included.

This tool is a boon for people who travel and can just type in something in English and get to know the translation along with also how to pronounce that statement. If you are very familiar with a particular language you can also submit a better pronunciation to Google to make it better. 😉

Many times when you learn a new language you might be unsure of how a word exactly sounds. A small sound misplaced can mean something completely different than what you might have wanted to convey. This is why Google Translate can be quite handy to nail the pronunciation correctly.


Sumanth May 31, 2010

An Interesting think about Google translate type ‘James bond’ with out quotes and translate it to Chinese language u will get 007 ..:)

Aditya Kane June 1, 2010

LOL, that is a truly a good find. 😀

Sumanth June 1, 2010

Thanq..And i have checked it in the traslate used it tweetdeck it also shows the same..


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