Use Zesty to check your Facebook data’s privacy

Facebook made some changes to its privacy policy and basically after that there has been an avalanche of criticism of Facebook for ignoring privacy concerns and in some cases even led to people wondering if they should be on Facebook anymore.

Zesty is a great third party service to check what and exactly how much of your information on Facebook is visible publicly.

About Zesty Facebook

  • Using Zesty is easy, just visit their Facebook service page and search for your Facebook profile or a friends profile. Look up the data that can be accessed by a third party service (Zesty). There is no need to sign in with Facebook credential either.
  • For instance in the above image you can see all the links I share as a feed can be accessed by anyone even without the need of signing into Facebook.
  • It also gives details like when you need to be signed in to Facebook for viewing certain information which cannot exactly be termed secure as anyone with a Facebook account can view your information, feeds and links you share.

In case you are wondering about the privacy of your Facebook profile or even a group, Facebook page or applications then you can go ahead and look it up with this tool to give you a better understanding of what can be viewed by 3rd party services.

If you know of similar services do share with us and also do let us know your views on Facebook privacy.

Link: Zesty Facebook

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