WebEngage – Create Easy Feedback Form for Your Visitors

A couple of months ago, I wrote about an online service called WebKlipper which allows users to create presentations with PDF, images and webpages. I liked it for the many options it gave.

Now recently on my personal blog, I have been using WebEngage (service created by WebKlipper), which allows creating the simple and easy feedback forms for visitors.

WebEngage Features

  • After I created a WebEngage account, I could generate a widget. I could customize the look of the widget that would be seen with my blog.
  • The HTML code is created and all I needed to do, was copy and paste in footer region of my blog.

  • The Feedback button shows up as you can see in the image above. Click on it and it opens up a form which allows visitors to contact with their email ID, name and message.

  • Also the feedback is divided into categories, which are Like, Question, Suggestion and Problem.
  • Best part is users can even attach a screenshot of the page while contacting you.
  • Every time you get some feedback, the service sends you an email as notification.

Go ahead and try out WebEngage if you are looking to get some feedback from your readers. Also do drop in your comments.

As WebEngage is a beta product, it is still available by invitation only. Head over to their website and use the invitation code below to create an account and widget with WebEngage. 🙂

Invitation Code: webengage3j7

Also do drop in your comments and tell me your views on WebEngage!

Link: WebEngage


Avlesh Singh April 26, 2011

Thanks for the review Aditya. Would like to add two things here –
#1. all the feedback (and their replies) can be managed from a publisher dashboard.
#2. a WebEngage description without surveys sounds incomplete. Details in this post – http://webklipper.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/mass-acceptance-of-webengage-thank-you-early-adopters/


Aditya Kane April 26, 2011

Thanks for the further inputs Avlesh. 🙂

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