What Does Google Think of Other Sites?

Recently I came across an image (the first one below), where the author searched for ‘twitter is’. The new feature in Google, Search Suggestions (where suggestions are obtained by comparing your partial query with popular searches), showed up some funny suggestions. In some ways it looks like this is what Google thinks of other popular sites. Read on!

So here is what Google thinks of twitter:


Facebook is:

Google fierce competitor, Yahoo is:



How about digg?

and the most surprising. What does Google think of itself?

Ha! Great ambitions. Search for more ‘<famous-website-name> is’ on google and do share with us!

Note: None of the images were edited.


Aditya Kane September 23, 2009

🙂 this is quite hilarious…

Deepak Jain September 23, 2009


Nice post dude 😀

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