Yahoo is Losing its Buzz: Yet Another Shutdown

It seems to be the season for shutdowns. A lot of online services which were not making many inroads are closing down recently. Google Videos, MyBlogLog are closing down and yesterday Yahoo announced that it is closing down Yahoo Buzz.

Yahoo Buzz updated that

Yahoo! Buzz will be discontinued as of April 21, 2011. As of this date, you will be unable to access the Yahoo! Buzz site…

This was probably an expected closure and Yahoo seems to be on a roll when it comes to closing down its services. Yahoo has recently shutdown MyBlogLog and also looking to sell off Delicious.

Yahoo Buzz was a content aggregator and was similar to services like Digg and Stumble Upon. Considering how rarely Buzz is covered compared to other services gives a good sign of how little Yahoo Buzz was used by people.

Yahoo is now just a shadow of its past glory, where it’s worth has declined from $100 Billion to $20 Billion over the last decade.

Yahoo shutting down services not being used is a good idea and might give it more a chance to regain relevancy in some of its core strengths. But I keep wondering if it really has some core services and products?

What do you think? Will Yahoo regain its past glory and survive or will it be history in the next few years? Do let me know your views through your comments.

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