Zynga enables Tsunami Relief fund through Facebook Games!

Do you play games on Facebook ? Did you hear about the Tsunami in Japan ? Well, now you can make some donations and do your part.

Do you play games on Facebook ? Did you hear about the Tsunami in Japan ? Well, now you can make some donations and do your part.

Zynga, has joined the Internet’s efforts at donating to Japanese Tsunami relief , by enabling in-game donations through virtual good buying in Zynga games like FrontierVille, FarmVille and CityVille as of 7pm PST. 100% of the virtual goods purchase prices will be donated to Tsunami relief.

I like this kind of donations as many people spend money on games, for example buying credits and all. So, there are special somethings on Facebook games that need to be bought using real money. Now, the catch here is that this money will go to the Tsunami relief fund. 🙂 Well done!

We recently wrote about how you can know what all is going on regarding relief for global disasters and all (Source). So what do you think ? Share your views with me on this. 🙂

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