Insert HTML Signature in Gmail [Greasemonkey Script]

HTML Signature in Gmail

By default Gmail doesn’t allow HTML signature in outgoing emails. Means all tags you put into signature will appear as it is.

There are multiple ways to overcome this problem. Simplest is too have a HTML editor and copying HTML signature into Gmail, thanks to Gmail’s WYSIWYG editor. This method is good for one or two mails everyday.

Next you can do this using a Greasemonkey script either. As greasemonkey is for firefox only, other user can still follow method described above.

Firefox users can install Gmail – Insert HTML Signature script.

After installation, script will create a HTML signature box in left sidebar. There you can put as many signature as you want and also set which signature to be used by default (in case of multiple signature).

Also each signature can be assigned a memorable name as shown in screenshot below which appears when you add new or edit existing signatures!

Create A HTML Signature for Gmail

Once done, every time you compose a new email as well as reply to any, your signature will be be appended automatically.

if you are using plain-text signature in Gmail, that will be also added to new mails. You can either use both or remove old signature by going to Settings >> General >> Signature!

Links: Install Script | Greasemonkey | Firefox

Related: 3 Free Email Signature Generators


lalit joshi April 7, 2008

Hoe I will create web site in gmail

Rahul Bansal April 7, 2008

@lalit joshi
sorry did not get your question?

Gerard Espinas August 20, 2008

Great Information! I am now making my own html signature. Thanks!

Rahul Bansal August 21, 2008

Your welcome buddy… πŸ™‚

Ronica October 6, 2008

I am new to Mac, not sure how to install the script. I downloaded to desktop. When I click, Mac wants to know what to use to open it. If I use Firefox, it just shows me the script (pretty, but not useful). Don’t know how to get it to install something.

Rahul Bansal October 8, 2008

It looks like you forgot to install or enable Greasemonkey addon for firefox. Its here. πŸ™‚

Derek February 4, 2009

I can enter a text signature without a problem but can I enter a picture? Every time I do it just shows the alternate text where the picture would be.

Rahul Bansal February 5, 2009

I guess its possible. Host image on a server and then include it via HTML img tag.
Try it!

chris February 13, 2009

hi man
I installed Greasemonkey and the script but cant seem to get up the HTML signature box, can you help?

chris February 13, 2009

It fine now, I just had to completely quit out of Firefox, shut down and open up again,
now it works,, thank you.

paul March 16, 2009

how do you ensure that each time a new email is composed that the signature gets inserted automatically?

i have to manual inject it each time.

Rahul Bansal March 19, 2009

This script is not developed by me so I cant help about it.
You can try this firefox extension as an alternative. πŸ™‚

p April 16, 2009

thanks! great script! very useful.

except…one question. actually what’s the purpose of.. set default? i would assume that it should automatically append the selected HTML sig into new mail everytime u click compose new mail but apparently it doesn’t work? hmm need some enlightening πŸ˜›

Michael Kelley April 22, 2009

Sweet Script.

Henke June 22, 2009


Thanks for the guide. I made it work perfectly, but then all the sudden the script doesn’t work anymore! It’s still installed in Greasemonkey, but the signature box next to my new messages has disappeared.

Any clue? Thanks!

Narisa August 6, 2009

I see the html signatures I’ve made on the left-hand side and set one of them as a default but it doesn’t add itself to every new email I compose. Any suggestions?

Little13 August 16, 2009

errr…. isnt it available to put in google chrome??

Arpit Agarwal January 17, 2010

hi buddy,
Gr88 artical, really very help full.
I installed Greasemonkey and the script but cant seem to get up the HTML signature box, can you help?

Arpit Agarwal

yaswanth February 8, 2010

i installed Greasemonkey and also installed the HTML signature script but i didn’t get any HTML signature box on the left sidebar of gmail account what should do now….?
Please give reply…

Alessandro August 26, 2011

Good morning, is there an option in HTML mailto command that allows you to insert the default signature set in OLK?
If I publish a mailto link in a web page I can send in the body message only the text I have set in body=”….” command.
Thank you.

josephinetan May 3, 2012

Hi, there. I am trying to add my pictures into my Gmail signature but fail.
And i dun get you how to add the pictures in. Can help?
step by step..

Thanks. Appreciate that