As pointed out by Gaurva Dua, I also noticed 2 unknown communities on my communities page.
Strangely both communities are not visible into communities section on user profiles. That means such unjoined communities will not be visible to your friends. Thats good as far as privacy concerns, as there are lots of indecent communities on orkut which a decent orkut user will never like to join.
Coming back to the topic, is you noticed in above screenshot, then these extra communities are not joined yet. So you can’t unjoin them directly in order to remove from your communities page.
So first you have to join them and then only unjoin will work.
Technical Details…
The only place where strange communities has been seen is – communities page. This indicates community.aspx clearly have some bugs. Although not a sever one as of now, but who can predict a bug’s feature. So it will be better, if orkut team will correct this ASAP… 🙂
(via Orkut Plus)
But, I did not see any such bug…. Is there a chance that being any kind of worm infecting only few profiles…. Anyway if wrong communities start peeping into our profile, they definitely degrade our values….. Thank god, that it cannot be seen by our profile visitors…
The bug may be affecting few profiles only.
I am also facing the same issue. I think it’s happens when a user in your friend list sends you an invite for a community. That community starts showing in your communities list then.
I guess problem must be somewhere else as even if your friend invites you to community you need to accept that request 🙂
me too facing same problem……..what is the solution for this….shld we continue with this problem…..
Well this is not a serious problem and you can continue without worrying about it.
Just keep an eye that some objectonal community won’t get added to your list as it may damage your social image.
i have a CoMmUnItIeS
my orkut account was hacked i changed the password but still i dont know what to do to avoid it again
Scan your system. There may be some keylogger or other malicious program installed on it,
I am also seeing some unwanted communities without my knowledge,
Every time I need to do unjoin for al those bloody communities , it is really a worst thing.