Announcement: has moved to

As some of you might already know that the parent company of our blog Devils’ Workshop is rtCamp. The birth of the idea behind rtCamp can be traced back more or less to the time when DW migrated from being a to self-hosted WordPress blog. One of the first services we started offering was helping people migrate their blogs from Blogger to WordPress.

Back in 2010, we created a dedicated portal for helping out bloggers in a streamlined manner. But as our company grew bigger, we ended up creating more portals dedicated for several new services and products. It became difficult to maintain so many portals and thus we launched a new project to merge all the different portals into a single website.

Today, we have merged into our corporate website

Additional Resources:

Enjoy WordPress!

One Comment

PrIyAnGsHu September 17, 2012

This new domain looks more professional than the previous one. You made a good choice buddy. Keep going :).