Check-out Google Blog Directory!

If you follow some famous Google blogs like Official Google Blog, Gmail, Adsense or Orkut Blog, you will love to checkout Google Blog Directory!

Google Blog Directory is a single place for listing all official blogs run by Googlers. They are sorted in five categories viz. Google-wide, Products, Ads, Developer and Region. Each category list blogs in it along with description, latest post and feed subscription link.

You will surely find some amazing undiscovered blogs of your interest like I found Official Google Mac Blog at the time of writing this. Being a Mac user and Google loyalist, I always wonder how much Google juice I can have on my Mac!

Another blog which I discovered from this directory is Google Open Source Blog. Its about Google’s Open Source projects and programs.

How To Get Them All!!!

If you are die hard fan of Google, you must be wondering how can you subscribe to all these blogs in one shot! Fortunately, you can Install the Google Blogs Gadget and tab to your iGoogle homepage. If you use Gadget, then you will get options like subscribing to any particular type of blogs.

I wonder why Google Reader do not have feed bundle for all these blogs!

Anyway its time to enjoy this feast of blogs and do let us know which Google blogs you like. 🙂

Link: Google Blog Directory


venkat December 17, 2008

That’s nice find

Rahul Bansal December 20, 2008

Glad to know that you liked it… 🙂

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