Coral-200-Solar: First Solar Powered Mobile

1dfb75c7817ad3a123547069375944Coral-200-Solar” is the first mobile phone equipped with solar battery. The model was launched by Digicel, but it has been produced by a China based company – ZTE.

Unfortunately the producer has not given much details about the technical specifications of the solar powered phone, but being a mobile for people with small budgets, the model does not supports much features. Coral-200-Solar is a candy-bar type phone with standard alphanumeric keypad.

From the images here, it can be clearly seen that the screen is very small (1.5 inches). But the most important advantage of this mobile remains the solar battery which you can see on the back panel of the phone. The company representatives said that, in the world, there are over two billion people without access to electricity sources and and Coral-200-Solar is for the rescue of such peoples those who have access to mobile networks but could not charge them because of unavailability of electricity.

Added by Editor: As this phone is produced by ZTE – A Chinese company and marketed by a New Zealand based company- Invitation, its not yet confirmed when this phone will be made available in India and other countries. But its for sure that, soon, there will be some local producers cloning such solar power operated cell phones and producing them to cope up the needs of their local market.

Link: Invitation

[Via Smartphone]

[Editor Note: This post is by guest blogger Mike. He blogs at Eco Trees about environment and alternative energy.

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Bapun February 27, 2009

Thanks for the information Mike. I guess it’s not the first ever solar powered mobile phone but Samsung blue earth. Read it here.

Aditya March 9, 2009

oh yes Bapun I think I also saw that Samsung Phone on your blog. It was better looking than this one.

Ankit March 20, 2009

I will be waiting for it…!

Bapun March 20, 2009

@ Aditya : Yaa, that’s good looking as well as expensive 😛