Once upon a time Lady Gaga had greatest number of fans on Facebook, no more. Eminem has surpassed her with just a small difference.
Eminem, 38, is has over half a million ‘likes’ a day, surpassing Lady Gaga. If he continues to do so ,very soon he will be ahead of Michael Jackson fans. 😛 Wow!
Lady Gaga was at the top for 8 months on Facebook. She now has 28,856,359 fans whereas he’s got 28,864,014. There is just a small difference here. Well, just for you info President Obama has only around 15 million fans on Facebook. Ha ha !
This stat makes me feel that people follow celebrities or singers more than the real big personalities. What are your views ? Who do you like more, Lady Gaga or Eminem or Obama ? Do you think Eminem will have more fans than the legend Michael Jackson ? Share your views with me here.
haha!!!! This is cool….keeping an eye over the fanclub…gr8..u rock 🙂
Thank you Ethan…I am with Eminem any day..:D