[Google + Project] Google’s New Weapon Against Facebook

There is a popular cliché which is often repeated in the blogging world, that quote is “Content is King”.  If content is king, then surely Google and Facebook control much of the kingdom. Both are used extensively by people for discovering new content.

Search engines led the way for a long time, but lately people are getting their news, sharing photos and information on group events on Facebook. Facebook has forayed into search by tying up with Bing creating something called “Social Search”.

Google Plus, will be probably be the last time Google gets to challenge Facebook as a social network. If they get this wrong, we can safely assume Google just cannot crack the ‘social’ code.

Is Google on the right track?

Google actually has all services that Facebook offers. We can share videos on YouTube, send email and chat via Gmail and save our photos on Picasa. So why is Facebook so popular? The reason is that Facebook allows users to do all the sharing in one single place and with one single contact or friend list.

Google Plus will be on the right track if it can manage to bring all these services together but at the same time be simple and easy enough to use.

The answer to the question if Google will crack the social code, only time will reveal. But at here is a video about circles which is a feature of Google Plus.

If you want a demo of visit their official site and sign up to be invited. Google Plus will be rolled out gradually to all users.

Do you think Google Plus will be real competition to Facebook? Do drop in your comments.

Link: Google Plus


best June 30, 2011

it’s interisting war – and it’s will be a useful for internet user
thanks alot for this topic

Aditya Kane June 30, 2011

Thanks. Yes the competition might make the end-user the real beneficiary. 🙂

Gokul June 30, 2011

do u have any invites aditya?

Aditya Kane June 30, 2011

@Gokul: Sorry I do not have any invites. Will update if I do. Anyways it seems at the moment, Google has stopped allowing sending invitations.

Gokul July 1, 2011

Yeah I got that one,tnx mate!

Neeraj Rawat July 1, 2011

Yup its a nice kick from Google,I heard and was expecting Google me but its + lolz.Yeah dont know why the invite only option is not working as well,restricted by google

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