Google suggests show direct links in search bar

Today I was playing around on the Google search page and looking up interesting Google suggestions which have always had its funny posts. But Google suggest feature which automatically shows suggestions in a drop down in the search box are quite useful and probably makes its easier for people who do not use search engines a lot.

I came across some direct links with Google suggestions which was quite a first for me. Usually only keywords would appear but type in only ‘Gmail or ‘YouTube’, I came across a direct link. It was behaving quite a bit like a browser with access to history. 🙂

As you can see in the image above there is a direct link to Gmail showing up  first on the drop down images. I tried to see which website pull up with such direct links in Google suggestions and very popular websites all showed up with direct links to them in the suggestions.

This basically means there is no need for using the address bar of your browser while on Google if you are visiting a popular website like Facebook, Twitter or Gmail.

I had recently written about Google Vs Bing and fact is these are the innovations from Google which is why so many really use it even if Bing gives almost pretty similar results.

What do you think about direct links in a search box drop down? Do let me know through your comments.


murugappan July 14, 2010

but i think this feature is present from long, i probably think since google allowed adding a background image

Aditya Kane July 14, 2010

I must confess I noticed it only today.

jaganmangat July 15, 2010

yea its a quite nice feature by Google,but u left saying something,this feature works sometimes and only in Google chrome,check it again guys,if you havn’t visited any famous site like gmail or facebook or twitter then on searching it will not suggest url like this,while you search something Google do check your chrome history too,i know aditya you use Google chrome,i saw chrome in your post pictures.

Aditya Kane July 15, 2010

Thanks for raising that point but no I have used this with Internet Explorer and also Firefox and it worked with both browsers. Also you second point is contentious. I tried it for sites which I had never visited like (atleast not visited in the last year). I think it does work only if you sign in to Google while using the search page.

jaganmangat July 15, 2010

but what i wrote was all what i noticed…..!!!!ok may be i was wrong…….!!!!

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