Google Tip Jar: Collection of Money saving Tips

Google Tip Jar is a collection of money saving tips submitted and ranked by the web community. There are 12 categories on which Google Tip Jar is based.

Google Tip Jar is a collection of money saving tips submitted and ranked by the web community. There are 12 categories on which Google Tip Jar is based:

What is Google Tip Jar?

After months of hearing about economic difficulties & recession, Google thought that how could it help. They realized there were a lot of tips that could help people save money scattered across the web. Why not use Google Moderator to collect and rank them all according to community feedback? And so Tip Jar was born: a list of money-saving tips for users to vote on, and even add to.

How can I Sign Up and Submit a tip?

Its very easy to do this. Just Sign in with Google ID in Tip Jar and go to Tips Page. Press Submit a Tip Button, choose your category, write the tip and press the Submit Button! Your tip will be added.

So what are you waiting for? Take Tips and Share Tips in Google Tip Jar! You can even vote on tips. You can even view the FAQ for your questions. Even I have submitted a tip:

“If you are a parent and have the old electricity bills of a year, tell your children to save electricity and the money they save, 50% goes to you and the rest is divided among your children. (Compare the new electricity bills with the old ones)”

Write which tips you liked in the Tip Jar or your own tips in comments!

Links: TipJar | Tips by Gautam (me)

[Editor Note: This post is by guest blogger Gautam. He blogs at Technology Area about technology.

If you too like to write for Devils Workshop, please check this. Details about our revenue sharing programs are here.]


Gautam March 15, 2009

First post by me 😛 (Approved one)

p@r@noid March 15, 2009

Must say its useful..specially at the time of recession 🙂

Bapun March 15, 2009

@ Gautam : Nice start… All the best.

Aditya March 15, 2009

Congratulation Gautam. How many were rejected before ?? lol

I havent heard about TipJar yet Thanks for Information.

technolizard March 15, 2009

@ Aditya

I heard about TipJar from labnol today,, Amit posted some tips for money saving by Google TipJar

Gautam March 17, 2009

I think 2 posts (written by me), and 1 post (not exactly copy paste, but yes, it was refered from a news post) were not approved. I do not blame DW, as I know that my english has no sense 😛

Rahul Bansal March 19, 2009

Your English is much better (than me atleast)
About your “news post” I already emailed you few suggestions to improve it.

No editor is allowed to take posts personally while reviewing them.
As an example, I hate Windows and love Mac (and Linux too) but I just approved Vaibhav’s linux-post even though I personally do not agree with views expressed in it, to considerable extent.
Just for info, Vaibhav was also asked to make some changes to post but those changes didn’t involve changing his viewpoint. 🙂

Gautam March 17, 2009

Submit your tip!
And noone commented on my tip :-s
I thought I would recieve a lot of comments on that… 😛

Gautam March 17, 2009

Also post your tip here….

Gautam March 19, 2009

I said na.. I don’t blame the editorial team. I know how badly I prepare posts. And Your english is far better than me 😛